The Effect of Assertive Psychological Counselling Intervention on the Adjustment of Assertive Social Behaviour of Elderly in Sigowet-Soin Sub County of Kericho County, Kenya


  • Phillip Rono Kiprugut The Catholic University of Eastern Africa Gaba Campus Author


Psychological counselling interventions, adjustment, social behaviour, elderly, sub-county


This study investigated the effect of assertive psychological counselling intervention on the adjustment of assertive social behaviour of the elderly in Sigowet-Soin Sub County of Kericho County. The study was guided by the following research questions: 1. What is the maladjusted assertive social behaviour manifested by the elderly in Sigowet- Soin Subcounty 2. Is there a relationship between elders' gender and maladjusted assertive social behaviour of the elderly in Sigowet- Soin Sub County, and 3. Is there a relationship between assertive behaviour training and adjustment of social behaviours among the elderly in Sigowet –Soin Sub-County? The study adopted concurrent mixed methods research design. Experimental design was used in the quantitative study while case study design was used in the qualitative study. The sample consisted of 30 elderly people. Participants in the quantitative study were sampled using stratified sampling technique, while those in the qualitative study were sampled using purposive sampling techniques. Data were collected using questionnaires and in-depth interview guide. The following are the results of the quantitative study: i. Elderly people in the sample demonstrated behaviour social behaviour that is not assertive. There is a relationship between gender and elderly people's maladjusted assertive behaviour ii. Psychological counselling has an effect on effect on adjusting assertive behaviour of elderly people.

Author Biography

  • Phillip Rono Kiprugut, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa Gaba Campus
    Department of Counselling Psychology




How to Cite

The Effect of Assertive Psychological Counselling Intervention on the Adjustment of Assertive Social Behaviour of Elderly in Sigowet-Soin Sub County of Kericho County, Kenya. (2024). East African Journal of Educational, Social Science and Humanities Research , 3(1).