Abortion unmasked: A study of abortion in Gusiiland


  • Dr. Francis Onsongo Kenyatta University Author


Keywords: Abagusii, abortion, fertility , Kenya, Kisii, Nyamira


Abortion has attracted a great deal of media interest and controversy for many years. Many civil society groups and other people who call for legalized abortion have advanced several arguments, for legalizing abortion. First they argue that since the law has failed to change people’s behaviour and women continue to abort it futile to outlaw abortion. The high rate of back street abortions has alarmed many people and encouraged the view that the government can reduce deaths due to illegal abortions by providing safe abortions facilities for pregnant women who wish to abort. The study investigated on abortion unmasked and the focus was Gusii land in Kenya. Concurrent mixed methods research design was utilized. The target population was 1185 women drawn from two counties in Gusii. Sampling was through the use of multi stage .Data were collected by use of a questionnaire, focus group discussion and a focus group discussion guide. Data analysis techniques employed were means, frequencies, mean scores, standard deviations and percentages. The finding was that although abortion is illegal in Kenya, it is practised among women in both Kisii and Nyamira counties. The study concluded that both scripture and science offer strong support against abortion, they view unborn as being alive and human. The worst fears of religious leaders were realized in the study. This highlights the need for continuous moral education and law enforcement. The study recommended that the school curriculum should include moral ethical issues. These should be included in all courses at primary, secondary and tertiary levels. The other recommendation was that a system needs to be put in place to ensure that decisions that affect women are taken without taking women’s views into account.

Author Biography

  • Dr. Francis Onsongo, Kenyatta University

    Lecturer, Department of Geography




How to Cite

Abortion unmasked: A study of abortion in Gusiiland. (2024). East African Journal of Educational, Social Science and Humanities Research , 1(1). https://eajournalesshresearch.org/index.php/ojs-files/article/view/1